Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory: A Prayer

Today’s prayer “Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory” is the ninth in a series of prayers working through the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6v9-13 and Luke 11v2-4. The Lord’s prayer is a teaching from Jesus on how to pray and provides us with a framework for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers Father, In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, Forgiven to be Forgiving, Lead Us Not Into Temptation and Deliver Us From Evil.


Yours is the kingdom.

Yours is the power.

Yours is the glory.


It’s why we pray to You.

It’s why we pray…

Hallowed be Your name

Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our debts,

As we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

It’s Your kingdom that we seek and the world longs for.

It’s Your power that we need and the world requires.

It’s Your glory that’s demonstrated when You build Your kingdom and exert Your power.

And it’s forever.

It’s timeless. Without end.

Your kingdom is forever.

We can never destroy it.

And we can be sure it will come.

Your power is forever.

You never run out.

We can always trust that You can when we can’t.

Your glory is forever.

No one can steal it from You.

And our prayers for You to be glorified are not in vain.

We know You hear us.

We know You answer us.

Not because of who we are.

But because of who You are.

You are our Father.

Our good, loving, beautiful, true Father.

And so we know and trust that You hear and You answer.

And so we pray with all boldness and confidence and expectation, with shameless audacity…

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name,

Your kingdom come, 

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our debts,

As we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Amen indeed.

Take a moment today to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Whose kingdom do I seek?
  • Whose power do I rely on?
  • Whose glory am I for?

Spend time honestly answering those with God.

And pray for His kingdom to be the only one you seek, His power the only strength you rely on and His glory the only fame you live for.




Hi, I’m Keagan! Some of my friends call me “Keags” though! My wife, Charity, is the C to my K. I am loved by Jesus and am in love with Jesus! I am passionate about others fully knowing and loving Jesus and living life in His unforced rhythms of grace. Read more of my writing here.

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Featured Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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