KC & Co: Behind the Name

Welcome to KC & Co.!


I’m Keagan!


And I’m Charity!


Together we’re KC!

Our friends are our Company.

You are part of our Community.

And all of our learning, growth and creation are Conversations & Content.

Which altogether makes us KC & Co.

A few words on each Co:


These friends are our company. Just as Jesus kept certain company with Him, so we keep certain company with us. And these friends are some of the ones that we keep company with. They love Jesus and worship Him honestly, vulnerably, unashamedly. They are the ones we do life with and walk with through the joys and trials. They’re the people we run to when we have something to celebrate and when we have something to mourn. No matter how long we’ve been apart, we can pick up where we left off. They speak truth, encouragement and life into us. They comfort, challenge and convict us. They have incredible wisdom and love for Jesus. They mean the world to us. They’re pretty cool, and their walks with the Lord are all unique and pretty cool as well. You can check some of them out here.


You are the community. The people that we get to serve and love and encourage. We aren’t here for our glory but for God’s glory—to faithfully and obediently follow where Jesus is leading us in loving others for Himself. We aren’t here to be known but to know—to know you and pray for you. Our prayer is that at this site you will be encouraged, exhorted, equipped, comforted and challenged. We want to help create communities that madly love Jesus and boldly follow Him with no shame. We’re glad you’re here and pray that we can be a place of peace amidst the anxiety, of grace amidst the hurry, of love amidst the lies, of empowerment amidst the timidity, of hope amidst the disappointment, of belonging amidst the loneliness. A little bit of the Kingdom of Jesus amidst the kingdom of this world.


This site is a place for conversations to begin. This site is not content for you to consume for enjoyment. This site is simply a primer. You see, our lives are real. Our lives have meaning. Our lives are holy. Our lives are where content lives. And content is created as we do life together, as we have conversations and wrestle through things together. We desire that this site would lead you to have conversations with those around you and that from those conversations content would be created. That life would form. That your life would become more real and more meaningful as you follow Jesus.

So that explains KC & Co. but what’s with the “publishing” in the URL?


We may publish some of our creative works for you to enjoy…

And come alongside others to help them publish their creative works for people to enjoy….

But that’s still in the works.

So stay tuned! And thanks for learning more about KC & Co!

For all the latest blog updates, follow us on Instagram @kcandcopublishing!