The topography of a life with Christ
Teems with a vast and diverse scenery
For our lives with Christ are not linear
Some days
It’s like walking in a beautiful green meadow
Gazing in wonder at the magnificent creation around you
Basking in the glory of all the ways you can see Heaven on earth
And some days
It’s like standing in the ocean
One moment the waters are calm, peaceful
Then the waves slowly start to
Learn their might
And the next moment
A wave crashes and
You’re taken aback at the cruelty and power of it
And just when you think you’ll go under
God speaks one word
And the sea is calmed
And then some days
It’s like attempting to climb up a mountain
The brutal winds against your face
The cold piercing through your skin, down to your very bones
Your legs aching, screaming at you, telling you they can’t go on
But then
Just at the moment you thought of giving in
You reach the peak
Of your struggle
Of your fight
Of your journey
You see the sun rising in the distance
It’s glow bringing warmth to your soul as it
Gently kisses your face
And as your breath is taken from you
You stand in awe of how far
God has brought you
And you are hopeful of what lies
Down the mountain
Our lives with Christ are not linear
But the topography of a life with Christ
Overflows with beauty, grace and worth
If not now, then when the journey is complete
Author Spotlight:

Hello, friends! My name is Haleigh! I am studying Pastoral Ministry at Bethel University. One of the most prominent passions in my life is women’s ministry. I have such a heart for women and helping them see how God created us with such for such an intentional purpose. Read more of my writing here.
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