We live in a fast-paced world, and often we need to slow down to catch up with God. Slowness often involves stillness, silence and solitude. And in the slow, we are able to meet with God.
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Slow down, my daughter.
Slow down, my son.
Be still.
Be silent.
Be alone.
That is my theme for this year.
And the above poem is what God is beckoning us all to enter every day.
Life is busy.
Busy with school, family, friends, homework, exercise, cleaning the house, making dinner, doing “Christians” things—have we forgotten what God most desires from us?
He desires us—our hearts, minds, strength, and souls.
It is so easy to get caught up in life—in the doing for God instead of the being.
Being with God.
Being for God.
Being in God.
God does not love us for what we do. He does not even expect perfection from us. He loves us because we are His children, His offspring. He loves us because He created us. He does not love us because He saved us. He loved us, so He saved us.
Do you understand the significance of this—that God loves you, that there are no hidden terms and conditions to His love for you? When was the last time you stopped and reflected on that? When was the last time you sat in a room by yourself and were alone with God?
One of the biggest enemies of intimacy with God is hurry.
Do you want to know God intimately?
Most people don’t understand that they can know and experience God intimately because it takes time to sit, seek, and be still in His presence. We fail to realize that God’s presence is all around us in every moment.
Do we take the time to ask the Spirit to make us aware of God’s presence?
I didn’t until about a month ago, and it has completely changed my life.
I have experienced the nearness of God like never before. It has been a deeply intimate, personal, ordinary yet extraordinary experience with my Father. I can’t explain it.
Friends, I want that for each of you more than you know. I want it for everyone in my family, every one of my friends, and everyone in my community.
But here is what I know.
I could never have experienced this level of closeness with God if K and I did not declare war on hurry in our lives.
There sometimes is a breaking point people reach that brings them to change. For me, it was nagging anxiety. Everything in my life down to the smallest little thing was causing me anxiety. I finally said, “Why am I living like this? Why am I choosing this? Jesus said that He came to bring peace. Why don’t I have it?”
The answer was simple.
I was not receiving it. I was not living it. I was not living a lifestyle of peace, so why was I expecting to have it?
It was hard to be still. It was hard to be alone and ask God the hard questions. What He was revealing to me about the way I was living and the lies that I was believing was painful. BUT…it is worth it.
I’m still fighting each day to live a slow life. Free from hurry. I know it doesn’t happen overnight. Slowing is a slow process. It takes time to break old habits. I am so thankful for a patient and loving Father who walks the journey with us.
Friend, my prayer for you today is that you will take a step of faith and make intentional time today, and in the days to come, to be alone with your Father listening for His voice and resting in His Truth.
It all starts with slowing down.
Being still.
Being silent.
Being alone.
These were terrifying practices to me at first. I didn’t want to slow down to hear the lies and fears that my hurry suppressed. I didn’t want to be alone.
I needed permission from God to be still, silent, and alone. Then and only then was I able to hear the beautiful voice of God speaking my true identity. If you need that permission, here it is. God wants you and He wants to give Himself to you too.
And here is what I have learned and am learning.
In the silence, He shows me how to receive love, peace, and joy.
In the stillness, He shows me that He never stops speaking but that I am just too busy to listen.
In the solitude, He shows me I am never alone.
Hurry is a death trap.
It is separating us from true communion with God and with each other.
God wants you to experience Him intimately. Don’t be intimidated or afraid. The Spirit is with you guiding you into Truth if you ask Him.
You will not regret doing the hard work of being still, silent, and alone with God.
Listen for the voice of your Father.
Do not give up when you hear nothing.
It takes time to truly quiet your heart, mind, and body.
Be still.
Be silent.
Be alone.
You may just find that in stillness there is energy of renewed life, in silence a roaring lion, and in solitude the presence of the Father.
If you want more information about how to slow down and fight the battle of hurry, K and I recommend “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer. He offers practical ways of getting rid of hurry and stepping into everyday life with God.
Thank you for allowing us to serve and encourage you today. If “Slow” was encouraging or insightful for you in any way, please let us know and consider sharing “Slow” with someone else.

Hello! I’m the C to KC & Co! My name is Charity, and I am so excited you are checking out our site and blog. My deepest desire is that God will use the words on this blog to encourage, strengthen and deepen your love for Jesus. Read more of my writing here.
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