Our God creates and cares and cultivates. He endlessly pours out His love on us. Although sinless, He suffered to save us. He looks at us and says, “Beloved, you are worth it all.” He calls us sons and daughters. He fills us with Light to push back the darkness. This is our God.
Haleigh shares a spoken word she recently wrote. You can watch and read it below.
Our God
Our God who looks into a void
And with love in His demeanor
He creates
And He cares
And He cultivates
All that He forms
Our God who drenches us with purpose
Who pours out His love for us
Through His word
And His Spirit
And His Son
And never stops pouring
Our Savior who came as a servant
Who knelt down to wash our feet
And all for love He suffered
And hung lifeless on the cross
And died a sinner’s death
All while being perfect and blameless
Our Savior who peers deep into our eyes
And says,” Beloved, you are worth it all.”
Every drop of blood
Each step taken with the cross
Each nail beat into His flesh
And He still says, “Beloved, you are worth it all.”
And because of that
That sacrifice
That act of love
That proof of our worth
As daughters and sons of the Risen King
We have a reason to live
And to rejoice
And to have unshakable faith
Our God who allows us to proclaim,
“Jesus Christ lives!”
And all of Hell shudders
While all of humanity can rejoice in salvation
That is our God
Our God who continues to say
“Beloved, you are worth it all.”
Thank you for allowing us to serve and encourage you today. If “Our God” was encouraging or insightful for you in any way, please let us know and consider sharing it with someone else.

Hello, friends! My name is Haleigh! I am studying Pastoral Ministry at Bethel University. One of the most prominent passions in my life is women’s ministry. I have such a heart for women and helping them see how God created us for such an intentional purpose. Read more of my writing here.
Featured Photo by Soubhagya Maharana from Pexels