Today’s prayer “Hallowed Be Your Name” is the third in a series of prayers working through what is known as the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6v9-13 and Luke 11v2-4. The Lord’s prayer is a teaching from Jesus on how to pray and provides us with a framework for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers “Father” and “In Heaven.”
Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
We set You apart as holy.
May Your name be set apart as holy in our lives.
Yes, holy as in morally.
But also, aesthetically.
Holy as in the good, the beautiful, the true, the desirable.
Holy as in unique and special.
Holy as in without any parallel in the universe.
There is none like You, Father.
You are the way in the wilderness.
You are streams in the wasteland.
You are rivers in the desert.
From You flows Living Water, the Spirit of life.
And in Your Spirit, we find love and joy and peace.
O how we need love and joy and peace.
We have always needed it, always desired it.
But most of us are realizing it for the first time.
We have been fooling ourselves with false love and joy and peace.
All along, it’s been with You. It’s You, Father.
You are the good.
You are the beautiful.
You are the true.
You are the desirable.
You are unique and special.
You are without any parallel.
You are love and joy and peace.
Father, You are holy.
Holy as in the good, the beautiful, the true, the desirable.
Holy as in unique and special.
Holy as in without any parallel.
Holy as in love and joy and peace.
Father, I set You apart as holy.
I make you the emotional source of my wellbeing.
Only from You flows love and joy and peace.
I choose to live in a grateful, worshipful delight of Your presence.
I choose to dwell in a deep, loving enjoyment of Your company.
I choose to find my love and joy and peace in You.
But I don’t set You apart as holy to get love and joy and peace.
I set You apart as holy because You are good and beautiful.
You are true and desirable.
You are unique and special.
You are without any parallel.
All I want is You, Father.
You are the desire of my life.
Love and joy and peace are the byproducts of a life fulfilled and satisfied in You.
A life that enjoys, delights and finds itself in You.
I choose that life, life to the full.
I center myself around You.
I set You apart as holy.
Hallowed be Your name, Father.

Hi, I’m Keagan! Some of my friends call me “Keags” though! My wife, Charity, is the C to my K. I am loved by Jesus and am in love with Jesus! I am passionate about others fully knowing and loving Jesus and living life in His unforced rhythms of grace. Read more of my writing here.
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Featured Photo by Sarah Howell from Pexels
[…] Today’s prayer “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done” is the fourth in a series of prayers working through what is known as the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6v9-13 and Luke 11v2-4. The Lord’s prayer is a teaching from Jesus on how to pray and provides us with a framework for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers “Father,” “In Heaven” and “Hallowed Be Your Name.” […]
[…] for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers Father, In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, Forgiven to be Forgiving […]
[…] for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers Father, In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, Forgiven to be Forgiving, […]