Today’s prayer “Deliver Us From Evil” is the eighth in a series of prayers working through the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6v9-13 and Luke 11v2-4. The Lord’s prayer is a teaching from Jesus on how to pray and provides us with a framework for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers Father, In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, Forgiven to be Forgiving and Lead Us Not Into Temptation.
Deliver us from evil.
There is evil in this world, Father.
We see it around us and even feel it within us.
We don’t do what we should. We don’t love what we should.
Please, deliver, save, heal us from this evil.
We confess that sometimes we blame you for the bad things that happen to us.
But the truth is that You are…
Help us believe who You are.
Help us pray Deliver us from evil with confidence.
Help us remember that You don’t give bad gifts.
And You don’t give us something that looks good but is really bad.
You give good gifts.
You are our loving Father.
Our fathers give us bread when we ask, not stones.
They give us fish, not snakes.
They give us eggs, not scorpions.
You are so much better.
You are perfect.
You are holy—good, true, beautiful and lovely.
How much more you give us good gifts.
And so we pray Deliver us from evil.
Because deliverance, salvation, healing from evil is a good, beautiful, true and lovely thing.
We pray this because we know that You are not the source of evil.
As David sang, “You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil.”
You are the only One looking out for our best.
As the psalmist Asaph sang, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You.”
Father, You are all we have.
And You are all we want.
Please, deliver us from evil.
Please, deliver those around us, the world from evil.
We want to see people, your creation restored.
We want to see Your name hallowed…
Your kingdom come…
Your will be done…
On earth as it is in heaven.
Come, Spirit.
Deliver us from evil.
Transform us.
Free us from the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air.
Teach us to follow Your way, to live in Your freedom.
Deliver us from evil.
And thank You.
Thank You for hearing our cry for mercy.
Thank You for being good, true, beautiful and lovely.
Thank You for Your deliverance, salvation and healing.
We know that You are bringing all things under Christ.
We know that You will deliver us from evil.
We know that one day You will rid the world of all evil forever.
But until that day, we pray Deliver us from evil.
Deliver us.
Deliver those around us, the world.
Bring people to a saving knowledge of Yourself.
In the name of Jesus,
Take a moment today to consider the evil and bad things you face. Do you truly believe God is good and loving towards you (and not just others) or are you secretly harboring bitterness against Him because you think He causes evil or is mean or withholding?
Take some time to seriously reflect on that. Whatever business you need to do with God, do it. Ask Him to help your unbelief and deepen your belief.
And pray that He delivers you and those around you from evil.

Hi, I’m Keagan! Some of my friends call me “Keags” though! My wife, Charity, is the C to my K. I am loved by Jesus and am in love with Jesus! I am passionate about others fully knowing and loving Jesus and living life in His unforced rhythms of grace. Read more of my writing here.
Thank you for allowing us to serve and encourage you today. If “Deliver Us From Evil: A Prayer” was encouraging or insightful for you in any way, please let us know and consider sharing “Deliver Us From Evil: A Prayer’ with someone else.
Featured Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels
[…] Today’s prayer “Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory” is the ninth in a series of prayers working through the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6v9-13 and Luke 11v2-4. The Lord’s prayer is a teaching from Jesus on how to pray and provides us with a framework for living life with the Father. You should begin by reading the prayers Father, In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, Forgiven to be Forgiving, Lead Us Not Into Temptation and Deliver Us From Evil. […]