
Hi, I’m Keagan! Some of my friends call me “Keags” though!
I am in my early twenties, fresh out of college and have been married just over a year to my ever-beautiful bride, Charity.
Together as a couple, we are passionate about encouraging and loving others towards Jesus. We value vulnerability and long to see people live unashamed. We want to see people come back to the Garden, back to communing and dwelling with God. We want people to know that God originally designed them to be loved and to love and that God has given us the Way—Jesus—back to His design.
We strive to have a godly relationship that glorifies God. We want our marriage to reflect Jesus’ relationship with His Bride—the Church. We have a special spot on our hearts for family and seeing God’s vision for family restored. We are excited for the day that our family expands. Children are a heritage, a reward, a gift from God. They are a blessing to help us bless the world.
We long to see every believer embrace Word and Wonder, Truth and Spirit not only theologically but also functionally. We believe the Spirit still moves and works spirituals (aka spiritual gifts) through believers today. The invitation of Jesus isn’t only come and hear of God’s goodness, mercy and compassion but also to come and see it, to come and experience it firsthand.
Personally, I like to create things especially with words.
And I love Jesus!
So, I love reading, writing and talking about Jesus and living life for Him.
I enjoy reading, music, the outdoors and thinking. Yes, thinking! Simply contemplating and dwelling on an idea is so enjoyable for me.
I love to worship and meet with Jesus through Scripture, prayer, song, contemplation, silence, solitude and stillness.
I am passionate about others fully knowing Jesus and the life He gives which expresses itself three ways:
(1) I desire to help people experience how Jesus loves them and for them to fall madly in love with Him.
(2) I want to be a part of living out the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven with other Kingdom citizen-heirs and dwelling in the tension of the now-and-not-yet Kingdom.
(3) I aspire to serve and love the Church and to help the Bride be all that Christ died for her to be.
This site and blog have been a long time coming! Like I said, I enjoy writing and love sharing with others what Jesus is teaching me about Himself and His way. Almost a year ago, God began laying the dream of creating a platform where I, my wife and our friends could share the things He teaches us to encourage, exhort, equip, comfort and challenge others.
Charity was not on board with it at the time, so we placed it on the backburner. I would think and dream about it now and then, but there was no real intention of pursuing it.
Fast forward to August 2020, Charity comes to me out of the blue one day and says that she wants to start a blog.
And so began KC & Co.!
We are excited about this adventure and seeing where the Lord takes us.
As we share His grace with you, please gives us grace as we learn to navigate running our own website and blog. Our prayer is that this is a place where you can receive an encouraging word or a piece of wisdom.
If you have any insights for how we can improve the site or want to reach out, hit the button below and drop us a message.

Hello! I’m the C to KC & Co! My name is Charity, and I am so excited you are checking out our site and blog. My deepest desire is that God will use the words on this blog to encourage, strengthen and deepen your love for Jesus.
There are a few things that would be good for you to know about me to better understand what I write and why I write.
I am madly in love with Jesus. I accepted Jesus into my heartwhen I was 4. At that moment, though I may not have fully understood what I was doing, I was completely saved by Jesus. He loves the faith of a child. From that day, the Spirit has grown me exponentially in what it truly means to trust in Jesus as my Savior. Do I know everything? Not even close, praise the LORD! What I do know is that the God of the universe desires a personal, intimate and loving relationship with me. My prayer is that God will use K and me to help everyone who reads our blog know that God loves them immensely, that they no longer have any reason to hold onto shame, guilt, anger, pride, hurt, unforgiveness and every other thing burdening their hearts and that they have a new, beautiful identity in Christ.
The second thing that is a huge part of who I am is a wife! Keagan and I have been married for one year, and I am reminded daily of how blessed I am to have found such a man!

The LORD has brought us through many trials since the beginning of our relationship, but He has clearly shown Himself faithful through them all. We are passionate about pursuing God as individuals, a family and a community of believers. We desire to grow in our walk with the Spirit of Jesus and help others grow also. We desire to glorify Christ with our entire lives. While we stumble daily, we are committed to holding tight to the hope we have in Christ’s death, resurrection and return.
Third, I am currently a senior nursing student and am extremely passionate about using nursing as a mission field. God has given me a deep compassion for people and caring for them in their most vulnerable times of life.
Last, I value vulnerability and authenticity. I don’t want it to seem like I am a dry or intimidating person! I promise I love to laugh, be silly, enjoy a cup of coffee with friends, eat ice cream, go running, cook, bake and so much more! Just ask my husband, I am quite unpredictable! But where I find the sweetest moments, the most fulfilling times are when I can be open and raw and others can do the same. It is walking through the valleys with God and others when I feel most real and human. It is soaring on wings like eagles, praising God for His faithfulness and grace when I feel most alive and purposeful! It is worshiping God, entering His presence that I live and long for. I so often forget that these are the moments where I am most free, the moments God created me for! But God is so sweet to bring me back to Himself when I drift and remind me of His all-consuming, everlasting love.
There is much more about me that you will discover if you stick around. I pray that you will join us as we seek Love together. Come and be reminded with us where fullness of life, true joy and peace unending reside.
Please, reach out to us if you have any questions or prayer requests!
I can’t wait to connect with you!
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Thanks for being a part of KC & Co.!
Grace, mercy, peace and love to you from God our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.
For all the latest blog updates, follow us on Instagram @kcandcopublishing!