“A Prayer of the Unexpected” is a break from our series in the Lord’s prayer. We’ll be back with that in the New Year. For today, join us as we reflect on the unexpected.
We aren’t fans of the unexpected to say the least.
We would much rather know what’s going to happen.
We would much rather be in control.
But, we forget that the arrival we are about to celebrate on Friday was unexpected.
You, God, came to earth.
But not as a mighty warrior.
Not as a political leader.
Not as a rich philanthropist.
Not as a famous philosopher.
You came to earth as a baby.
You exchanged the robes of eternity for the dust of human flesh.
You picked 12 unlikely candidates to be Your disciples and advance Your kingdom.
You won the victory over sin and death by dying.
And then You rose from the grave three days later.
We couldn’t have expected any of that.
And yet, there was nothing better. There is no better gift.
There is something holy, something divine in the unexpected.
This year has been full of the unexpected.
And through it all, You’ve been here.
You are still with us. You still show up in the unexpected.
Help us to see You in the unexpected, Father.
Help us to join You in the unexpected.
We so often want to push the unexpected away. To run away from it.
Change our perspective. Soften our hearts.
Remind us that the Savior whose birth that we are celebrating was the Suffering Savior.
You, God, met us in the unexpected to save us.
Help us to find You and meet You in the unexpected.
Because You are there.
You always have been.
You always will be.
And, Father, thank You for redeeming the unexpected.
Thank You for coming to earth as a baby.
Thank You for being Immanuel—God with us.
Thank You for enduring the unexpected of life with us.
Thank You, Jesus.
We love You.
Help us to love You more.
Help us to find Your love even in the unexpected.
This past week I was working with a machine that presses metal hooks shut onto links. While I was loading the next piece, the machine unexpectedly pressed without me having hit the buttons for it to go. I wasn’t able to get my thumbs out of the way in time so they were smashed. I decided to call it a day at that point. As I was driving home and thinking, I realized how much worse the situation could have been. I could have been on my way to the hospital with metal hooks through my thumbs linking them together instead of headed back home with thumbs bruised and tender but still intact. I thanked and praised God for His protection because He was still with me despite the unexpectedness of the moment.
Take time as this year draws to a close to look back and reflect. Ask God to show you where He was with you in the unexpected. Unexpected moments and our responses to them have the potential to shape and transform us as much as any moment especially since the unexpected isn’t usually what we want. Seeking and finding God in the unexpected might just lead to a change for the better in your life that you never expected.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Hi, I’m Keagan! Some of my friends call me “Keags” though! My wife, Charity, is the C to my K. I am loved by Jesus and am in love with Jesus! I am passionate about others fully knowing and loving Jesus and living life in His unforced rhythms of grace. Read more of my writing here.
Thank you for allowing us to serve and encourage you today. If “A Prayer of the Unexpected” was encouraging or insightful for you in any way, please let us know and consider sharing “A Prayer of the Unexpected” with someone else.